Your hub for information and assistance
Looking for information about your family’s financial aid accounts and payment plans? Click the FACTS Family Portal button.
Parents of Faith Christian School students may login to the Sycamore Student Information System to view information about their child’s records, cafeteria menus, the family directory, correspond with a teacher, and much more.
Using Sycamore to register for text notifications:
Sycamore allows Faith Christian administrators to send text messages in the event of school closings or other notifications. To enable text messaging for your Sycamore account, please follow the steps below.
Login to Sycamore with your username and password.
Click the “+” next to “My School” in the left menu.
Select “My Contacts.”
On the right column, next to your mobile number, click the cell phone icon. (If your number is missing, you will need to contact the school to have your contact information updated.)
Select your cellular provider, test if desired, and click OK
Parents may also enter mobile numbers and SMS information for their students.